Commercial Pool Remodeling in Los Angeles

Commercial Pool Remodeling in Los Angeles

Your commercial swimming pool is undoubtedly a major draw for your Los Angeles area hotel, fitness center, club, neighborhood association, or other business. In fact, swimming is the fifth most popular recreational activity in the United States, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Planning for commercial pool remodeling for 2023 and beyond? Now is the perfect time to call the professionals of All County Pools & Spa for pool remodeling project in Los Angeles.

Commercial pool remodeling is an important periodic investment for your company, particularly in the competitive local market. Commercial pools actually sustain more wear and tear than residential pools because of their high traffic, more quickly making a public pool and spa appear outdated and unsightly.  Beyond aesthetics, damage beneath the pool’s surface requires immediate response to avoid issues leading to closure and lost revenue. 

Frequency of Commercial Pool Remodeling

On the point of commercial pool remodeling in Los Angeles, most people first think of pool resurfacing. The average pool surface does not last as long as you might expect, particularly under the demands of high traffic. Longevity of the most widely used pool deck and surface materials includes:

  • Pool plaster – 5 years
  • Concrete pools – 7 years
  • Fiberglass pools – 10 years
  • Pebble-finish pools – 15 years
  • Quartz finish pools – 15 years+
  • Other materials – 5 years

Pool resurfacing and other maintenance is an important budget line item for any business with a commercial swimming pool. Maintenance and pool remodeling requires a solid relationship with a reputable, dependable and trustworthy service provider specializing in commercial pool remodeling. Obviously, you want experts dedicated to quality work. They should also offer access to a skilled project manager who provides ongoing consultation on how to properly maintain your pool and keep it looking its best. 

Important Commercial Pool Maintenance

Quality routine maintenance is the key to keeping your commercial pool, spa and water feature remodeling costs down. This maintenance also extends the lifetime of your pool equipment and materials. In turn, a well-maintained commercial swimming pool stays open for more days each season, improving revenue. 

Commercial pool maintenance typically includes:

  • Water filtration system repair
  • Surface damage and cracked tile repair
  • Water quality and chemical regulation
  • As-needed maintenance and repairs

Signs You Need Commercial Pool Resurfacing

Your All County Pools & Spa project manager will help you understand the life expectancy of materials used in your commercial pool and install a pool deck on slope construction. They also guide you in appropriately scheduling routine maintenance and inspections to get the longest life out of your investment. Should you experience any problems or need emergency repairs, our customer service professionals are ready to take your call. 

Otherwise, there are signs you can look for to understand when your facilities need commercial pool remodeling or resurfacing. These signs of damage include:

  • Peeling or flaking pool plaster
  • Surface stains
  • Rust stains
  • Surface roughness
  • Cracks on the pool deck or pool surface

Of course, commercial pool remodeling is also a major aspect of property updates. If your pool looks like it is stuck in the past, it can take away from the beauty of your building renovations. If you are redesigning your structure’s interior or façade, it is also time for commercial pool remodeling.

Expert Commercial Pool Remodeling in Los Angeles

Your L.A. area swimming pool, spa or water feature is critical to your business. When you need commercial pool remodeling in Los Angeles, you have access to the experts of All County Pool & Spa. We serve commercial and residential clients throughout L.A. county and look forward to your call at (818) 720-3316.

We are also proud to provide services to customers in Sherman OaksBeverly HillsTarzanaEncino, and Santa Monica.

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